Mason Jar - Quart Size - Wet and Dry Goods Reusable Glass Large Container
Quart Size Glass Mason Jar, Perfect For...
Storing dry pantry items like grains, pasta, beans, nuts, seeds, and more.
Storing baking supplies like flour, sugar, chocolate chips, etc...
Wet goods like sauces, smoothies, soups, oatmeals, and more.
Wet wipe dispensers.
Blender jars for whipped cream/butter.
Transporting lunch.
Homemade cleaning solutions.
Care and Use:
Mason jars can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher. When using for long term food storage sterilize your Mason jar, lid and seal with the same care. The link below can provide more details.
For all other Mason Jar-related care and use instructions, please visit this link.
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