The New Sustainable You — do-it-yourself

Chemical-Free Cleaning 101

do-it-yourself natural sustainability sustainable swap zerowaste

Chemical-Free Cleaning 101

Have you ever been concerned about what’s in the cleaning products you’re bringing into the family home after your weekly grocery store run? Cleaning supplies are a $221 Billion industry built to market products that attempt to convince us our homes are a cesspool of bacteria. Products like these contain lyes, soaps, detergents, solvents, polishes, scrubs, and degreasers that are dangerous, unhealthy and expensive. 

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Let's Get Sustainable

do-it-yourself sustainability sustainable swap zerowaste

Let's Get Sustainable

Does the grocery store seem a little "plastic-wrapped" lately? During the past 35 years, the amount of waste each person creates has almost doubled from 2.7 to 4.4 pounds per day and most of it comes from a simple trip to your local grocer. Use these tips to bring less waste home and save some money too! Remember, you don't need to collect trash in a mason jar or make your own toothpaste to start living a zero waste life, you just need to make a few sustainable swaps!  1. Avoid Frozen Dinners.When buying a meal in the box, you not only...

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