The New Sustainable You — sustainable

Chemical-Free Cleaning 101

do-it-yourself natural sustainability sustainable swap zerowaste

Chemical-Free Cleaning 101

Have you ever been concerned about what’s in the cleaning products you’re bringing into the family home after your weekly grocery store run? Cleaning supplies are a $221 Billion industry built to market products that attempt to convince us our homes are a cesspool of bacteria. Products like these contain lyes, soaps, detergents, solvents, polishes, scrubs, and degreasers that are dangerous, unhealthy and expensive. 

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Wasted Food - An Intro to Less Food Waste!

plastics recycle sustainability sustainable swap zerowaste

Wasted Food - An Intro to Less Food Waste!

∙Plan Your Meals Whether you're single or preparing food for a small army, planning ahead and cooking what you need will help you from throwing away waste! Making the exact number of servings you need will easily eliminate food waste in your home. If you happen to make a little more than what you intended, save it for lunch the next day!  ∙Buy the Unwanted Veggies and Fruits When buying produce, look for the imperfect ones and pop them in your cart! They will taste the same and not end up in the dumpster because that green pepper looks a little...

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Let's Get Sustainable

do-it-yourself sustainability sustainable swap zerowaste

Let's Get Sustainable

Does the grocery store seem a little "plastic-wrapped" lately? During the past 35 years, the amount of waste each person creates has almost doubled from 2.7 to 4.4 pounds per day and most of it comes from a simple trip to your local grocer. Use these tips to bring less waste home and save some money too! Remember, you don't need to collect trash in a mason jar or make your own toothpaste to start living a zero waste life, you just need to make a few sustainable swaps!  1. Avoid Frozen Dinners.When buying a meal in the box, you not only...

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What do Recycling Numbers Really Mean?

numbers plastics recycle recycling recycling numbers sustainability sustainable zerowaste

What do Recycling Numbers Really Mean?

Read this guide below to learn the different symbols you see on products and containers! Not only will you know the right way to dispose of plastics, but you’ll have a lower carbon footprint and reduce waste as well! PETG or PETE Also known as PETE, this symbol represents polyethylene terephthalate, which is commonly used for soft drink bottles, mineral water containers, fruit juice containers, and cooking oil containers. The plastic is easily recyclable so it’s often part of curbside recycling programs. It can be reused to make containers, carpet, and furniture. HDPE HDPE indicates one of the most commonly used plastics...

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